The Game Ideas Blog:

Welcome to The Game Ideas Blog! A blog for talking about video games and ideas for video games and franchises.

From the moment I was introduced to PC video gaming when I was really young, I fell in love with gaming. Many of my passions have changed slightly (or greatly) as I’ve grown up but I’ve always loved video games-even some of the ones that I hated or could never get any good at.

I’m not a writer. I’m not a programmer. I’m not a community manager or a public relations guru. But I’ve played games and I have many ideas. I’m self aware enough to know that most of these ideas will never see the light of day. Who knows, maybe there are some that might even ruffle feathers. But I feel, however incredibly wrong, that I need to start putting some of these ideas out here for people to read-more likely ignore/never see.

I don’t have a schedule that I’m planning to follow but I will try to post whenever the will to share an idea strikes me.

If for some reason you are a game dev who owns a property that I’ve written about and you want to borrow one of my ideas, I’m open to that idea.  On an even more unlikely if you want to talk to me about my ideas, my email exclusively for this blog will be available in the contacts page. 

With that out of the way, lets get thinking…